Rukhsar Rashid will

  • Rukhsar Rashid will participate in Futsal Couching Clinic in Milan, Italy
June 29, 2019

Rukhsar Rashid Captain of Diya WFC has been selected to participate in 8th Futsul Coaching Clinic Course Conducted in Italy Milan by KICK OFF C5 from 28th to 30th June 2019.
Diya WFC who is the Founder Club of Women Football in Pakistan her Founder Sadia Sheikh stated for the development of Youth and Women Football in the Country we need to develop our Women Coaches which is an essence for grass root level.
Many great players of Brazil were Futsul players in their youth.Futsul is quicker,faster and requires all aspects of great physical aspects.
Rukhsar Rashid is also the founder of South Youth Soccer Academy which is working in collaboration with Diya WFC to produce players on Grass root level in Pakistan.

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